Healthy Lakes Seminar--How YOU Can Help!

  • Sat, March 01, 2025
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Randolph Village Hall



Join us to find out how you can care for your landscape and shoreline while preserving the natural resources!   We will also provide information on the Healthy Lakes Grant funding available to BDLIA members.

We have two great speakers lined up to present – Tracy Arnold and Nick Homan. They will be traveling from Portage County and sharing their expertise with us. They will present on the suite of native plants available to build habitat, address erosion control, and manage storm water runoff for water quality protection.  You will learn how property owners use their properties and what their site issues are, and how to marry regulation and sound property management to meet the needs of the owner and the protection of the waterway.  This is done by looking at the whole property and identifying where there are issues and ways to apply solutions. This is meant to ultimately result in better land use. There are many tools that can be applied as solutions including permeable paving, shoreline buffers, rain gardens, healthy lakes Best Management Practices (BMPs), and so on. 

Registrations are appreciated but not required to help us plan for the workshop (refreshments, etc.).

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